Living ~ Waters

Who we are?
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Testimony & Praise
Selected Poems
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“A Fountain of Hope”

Who are We?

Living Waters is made of your neighbors, friend, enemies, families and individuals who believe there is Hope for our community.

What is Our Goal?

Our goal is to build communities where communication, respect and wholesome activities are commonplace.

What is Our Mission?

To reach out to Humankind and help provide healing and resources for those in need. To build bridges of Hope through communication, translation and inspiration. To seek to empower our community with tools and skills to be efficient and effective.

What is Our Method?

We use workshops, networking, educational activities, physical outreach and the media to connect resources and opportunities to our communities.

How can I be involved?

Living Waters need you to be actively seeking to improve yourself and to give back to the community. We need hard working individuals who are committed to helping their community to be safe, free from violence and drugs, nurturing to coming generations and economically vital.

· You can share your gifts or talents with others.

· You can financially support.

· You can support with resources.

· You can support with your presence.

                    · You can support through your votes.

Warning: All poems testimonies and information on this website are property of Angela Waters Copyright 2007
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