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My girlfriend Shirley, was the person who told me about Jesus and it really made sense. 

We went to church together and one day she told me that it would be so nice if someone could write a poem about the whole Bible.  Shirley, explained the Bible to me and this is what came out.




One day God decided to make a world

He made it perfect and out of love

He made it with everything to fulfill our need

A beautiful world he made for us

No sin, no pain, no worries or cares

Nothing but peace and happiness filled the air

Then one day a beautiful angel decided

He wanted to be worshipped more than God

God kicked him out of heaven

He came to earth

He deceived, he slandered and he lied

He tricked the woman Eve, God made with a rib from Adam’s side

Naked and shamed they tried to hide,

But you can’t hide from God’s eye

God still loved his creation so

He killed an animal, shed his blood, to clothe

The humans that he loved

He cursed the ground and made man to work

 And woman to suffer when she give birth

The perfect world now had an imperfect mark,

And no way to repay the blood that was lost

God loved us still

Mighty, forgiving, all power in his hand

He said “I’ll go down and redeem Man”



In the virgin Mary the Holy Spirit dwelt

Born and named Jesus

He preached and teached the things that man needed to know

Showed them how to live and told them of things to come

He said “I and my father are One”

He told them he had to go away and prepare a place

And that a comforter would come


On to Calvary to shed

He took his cross and bared it to save both you and me

In pain and degradation my savior hung upon a tree



Into the grave he went to set the captives free

And on the third day he arose

And claimed the victory


Home to Gloryland to take his throne again

Home to the father up above who came and died

Because of his love

“No greater love hath any man than to lay down his life for a friend”


he looks down on us today and says that, that same blood he shed

on Calvary, will still cleanse our sins today,

according to Acts 2:38 “Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be

baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remissions of sins,

and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost”


Glory to God that he gave us another chance to the tree of Life


The story is not over

The final chapter is not finished

There is still a little time to be save before the book is closed

Jesus is still saying come unto me all ye that are heavy laden

And I will give thee rest

If you are not ready to show Jesus you are ready to live for him,

You better get ready

Because we won’t be right back after these messages

There will be no pause for the cause

Tomorrow may be too late

The signs are all around

Read Matthew 24 in the manual for details

Thank God for being patient and merciful


And without controversy, great is the mystery of Godliness:

God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the spirit,

Seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world,

Received up into glory

And he is coming back as a thief in the night;

Will you be ready?




I was living in Germany, during my late teens.  I was married had three children and I was thinking about the people I knew in the United States.  Being born in Chicago, and growing up in an abusive household, the experiences I encountered were very sad.  To me, they were normal experiences, and I thought everyone went through the same thing in some form or other.  This poem is about what I saw:




Seems hard times have been here forever

And it seems like they’re here to stay

We put people into offices hoping that they will

Solve the problems we have today

But the Bible says that things will always work this way


It says the Poor will always be among us

And to put not your trust in mortal man

Because the flesh is weak

It say trust in God, and you shall be saved

And that we are living in the last terrible day


Now to live in hard times with no faith, patience or love

You can hang it up about getting to heaven above

You know heaven, that place where everybody wants to

Run away from hard times to get to

That place where nobody wants to die for


Yes, I’ve seen hard times, and how satan leads the blind

Till they will lie, cheat and steal,

Because that is the only way they can see to make ends meet

To fulfill their needs


I’ve seen babies sick, hungry and bad

Living in sin and filth

Crying all night long

While mama’s out partying and throwing away

What little they could have had


I’ve watched them grow up and grow away

And they still stayed on that same dead end road

I’ve tried to tell them to let the Lord carry their load


I’ve seen good people turn bad

By listening to that ol’ satan telling them to keep living in the past


I say to them “wake up,” that “today is a new day”

And if you will only put your faith in, and work for the Lord that he

Has promised to show up a bearable way

He says that even in, and especially in these

Last hard terrible days

That we should keep the faith and pray


I sho’ can’t say that I’m holier than thou

But, I do thank the Lord for where I am now


Yes, yes hard times will try our faith, patience and love

I ask that you please believe me

And put your troubles in the hands of our loving creator,

Called Jehovah, who watches and keeps us because of his love


Let’s let go and let God handle our lives

I’m not saying that your hard times will stop

Because that’s the way God tries our faith

But he will strengthen us enough to make it thru

These hard times of the last days

After all he made everyone,

And he is the only one who can save us from a terrible fall


Warning: All poems testimonies and information on this website are property of Angela Waters Copyright 2007
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